Longtime city resident runs for 1st Ward

From Staff Reports

Lynne Kaser, a member of the Indiana League of Women Voters board of directors and the wife of late News-Dispatch columnist Bob Kaser, announced Tuesday she is seeking the Democratic nomination for 1st Ward representative to the Michigan City Common Council.

In announcing her candidacy, Kaser said she wants the word “potential” - when in reference to Michigan City - to be a positive instead of a negative.

“I know the pride this community had when we were judged to be ‘An All-American City' (in 1966). Not because we were perfect or without flaws, but because the community was cohesive, had communication on all levels, had pride and goals,” she said. “We were a city of ‘potential.' But potential, in the parlance then, was positive Š shared goals to be realized. Now it is said with a shake of the head and with the word ‘but' in front, as in ‘but Michigan City has so much potential.'

Kaser said she, her family and her husband's family have lived in the First Ward for generations and said she knows how “crucial” the proper planning, development and preservation of the area is to those who live there.

“That is why I am asking for the opportunity to serve as city council representative of the First Ward and to work for the protection, preservation and respect for our history and to implement plans that will revitalize and renew the pride in our city ...,” she said. “If elected, it would be my mission to effect improvement at every opportunity for Michigan City, our home.”

Kaser previously was president of the board of the LaPorte County League of Women Voters, but has taken a leave from the board while running for office, in accordance with League rules.