Let's hear it for common cents
Pennies are a curse -- as I've said before -- dirty little slugs of copper and zinc that cost more to make than they're worth. A government that was halfway bold would have pitched them long ago -- or already decided to do so in 2009, the Lincoln cent's centennial, the perfect time to show the coin the gate.
Instead, pennies collect in bowls at store counters, not even worth carrying away. At home they congregate in coffee cans, slosh around sock drawers, ignored for years.

Sure, you can haul them to the bank, but that's a hassle. You might as well take them to the post office and mail them to the Lincolns 4 Lincoln project at the Michigan City Public Library. The library is rattling the cup so it can stock up on Lincoln books and classroom materials in preparation for next year, when it is hosting a traveling museum-quality exhibit, "Forever Free: Abraham Lincoln's Journey to Emancipation.''

Regular reader and library employee Robin Kohn says that, when the weather is right, people in Michigan City can see Chicago, shimmering like Oz across the lake. They know there are many pennies here. Ship those pesky pennies to Michigan City Public Library, 100 E. 4th St. in Michigan City, Ind. 46360.